Hi, welcome to this very special page in my blog. Because, as you can see, it's the first one in english (my apologise for my bad english level...) and because it's a log about the #oldComputerChallenge started the 13th of july.

My Setup

I'll use my old Lenovo T500 laptop with 9front installed on it.

The Challenge

The goal is use as much as possible this computer in my day to day. I can use Mastodon, Email, browse the web (without JS and HTML5, of course) and the gemini space. In this blog I wrote in the past how to configure this in 9front.

Day 1 to 4

Hahaha I'm late. Sorry, but my live is full of activities: the work, the dogs... the day to day activity. I'll try to ad more tips to this log.


Day 5

Using git I can update my blog from 9front. There're some thing that I can't do on this computer. Instant messeging requires some client that aren't implemented on 9front... and, I think nobody needs it. There isn't clients to use Telegram, Matrix or Signal in this OS. And who cares?